Tag: space

1st lunar lava tube discovered by NASA moon orbiter
Enviado por Fabio
For decades, scientists have debated the existence of lava tubes on the moon. A lava tube is a natural tunnel below the surface, formed by flowing lava. If the lava breaks out onto the surface, that...

17/07/24 | hace 220 días | earthsky.org

Guide To Attending a Launch | Countdown to Ignition
Enviado por Fabio
Learn what it's like to attend a launch, which launches you can attend, how much it costs and other launch questions

09/07/24 | hace 229 días | countdowntoignition.com

Descubierto un planeta gigante tan ligero como el algodón de azúcar | Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC
Enviado por Jesus
The Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía (IAA) is an institute belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Granada - Andalucía. The activities of the IAA - CSIC are...

20/05/24 | hace 278 días | www.iaa.csic.es

SPARCs in Space: The Cobham UT700 Leon3FT Processor
Enviado por Fabio
In the 1990s the ESA began a project to develop their own, open source, easily usable processor for space applications. Before this the ESA had used mainly MIL-STD-1750A processors

19/09/23 | hace 522 días | www.cpushack.com

AI search for aliens yields 8 potential signals
Enviado por Fabio
An international team of researchers, led by scientists at the University of Toronto, has developed a new machine learning algorithm to help answer one of the biggest questions of all: Are we alone in...

08/02/23 | hace 745 días | earthsky.org

Here's Why Hibernation in Space May Not Be Possible For Humans After All
Enviado por Fabio
Sending humans virtually anywhere in space beyond the Moon pushes logistics of health, food, and psychology to limits we're only just beginning to grasp.  

01/05/22 | hace 1028 días | www.sciencealert.com

Elon Musk's Name Appears in 69-Year-Old Book About Space Travel
Enviado por Juan Pablo
Tech billionaire Elon Musk promised to bring humans to Mars by 2024. But was his mission predicted nearly 70 years ago?

19/01/22 | hace 1130 días | greekreporter.com

La NASA se reserva una pequeña porción del presupuesto para misiones arriesgadas
Enviado por Fabio
Rolling the Dice with Cheaper Missions to Mars. A small sliver of NASA's overall budget is now going toward higher-risk, high reward concepts, to see whether recent innovations can make lower-cost...

26/10/21 | hace 1216 días | www.supercluster.com

Space Debris Has Hit And Damaged The International Space Station
Enviado por Fabio
The inevitable has occurred. A piece of space debris too small to be tracked has hit and damaged part of the International Space Station - namely, the Canadarm2 robotic arm.

03/06/21 | hace 1360 días | www.sciencealert.com

La historia y futuro del término - Astronauta -
Enviado por Fabio
Why American, European, Canadian, and Japanese space travelers are called 'astronauts' is a little mystifying — and a little lost to history.

31/03/21 | hace 1425 días | www.supercluster.com

Tabletop whale
Enviado por gustavo eo
Beautiful Maps of the Solar System’s Asteroids and the Topography of Mercury.

17/06/19 | hace 2077 días | tabletopwhale.com

¡Y no lo partió!
Enviado por Magmora
Lanzamiento de los que le gustan a nuestro mentor siendo alcanzado por un rayo.

27/05/19 | hace 2098 días | www.youtube.com