Tag: retro
WordStar for DOS 7.0 Archive
Enviado por FabioAs you all know, I continue to use WordStar for DOS 7.0 as my word-processing program. It was last updated in December 1992, and the company that made it has been defunct for decades; the program is... 06/08/24 | hace 107 días | sfwriter.com
Kien, the most-delayed video game in history, released after 22 years
Enviado por FabioThe makers of Italian action game have endured the longest development journey in history. Their game is now finally out – on the long-discontinued Game Boy Advance 05/07/24 | hace 139 días | www.theguardian.com
Neo Geo Architecture | A Practical Analysis
Enviado por FabioAn in-depth analysis that explains how this console works internally 01/07/24 | hace 142 días | classic.copetti.org
Of Psion and Symbian
Enviado por FabioMobile before iOS and Android 26/06/24 | hace 148 días | www.abortretry.fail
The History of DR DOS
Enviado por FabioThe last of Digital Research 18/06/24 | hace 155 días | www.abortretry.fail
Refurb weekend: Canon Cat
Enviado por FabioMany people take a casual glance at this machine and say, \"Isn\'t that an overgrown word processor?\" And one could certainly think so, in part because of its keyboard-centric operation, but mostly... 29/05/24 | hace 176 días | oldvcr.blogspot.com
Windows XP can run on an Intel CPU from 1989 thanks to dedicated modder
Enviado por FabioFor those of us who came of age in the early days of personal computing, the names \"Intel 486\" and \"Windows XP\" evoke a nostalgic whirlwind of memories. The 486 was the hot new CPU of the early... 22/05/24 | hace 183 días | www.techspot.com
Obsolete, but not gone: The people who won\'t give up floppy disks
Enviado por FabioThey may have barely enough capacity to store a modern smart phone picture, but some people still love using this technology from the 1980s. 13/05/24 | hace 191 días | www.bbc.com
1950s Sci-Fi Style Computers, Powered by a Z80, Built in Holland
Enviado por FabioBetween 1980 and 1983, a little company in The Netherlands built the “Holborn” series of computers… which can best be described as “1950s sci-fi… powered by a Z80”. 10/05/24 | hace 195 días | lunduke.locals.com
With PowerPC, Windows CE and the WiiN-PAD slate, everyone\'s a WiiN-er (except Data General)
Enviado por FabioTelemedicine (and mobile health generally) accumulated a hunk of public mindshare during the pandemic emergency, but speaking as someone with a day job in public health for almost two decades, it\'s... 07/05/24 | hace 198 días | oldvcr.blogspot.com
Palm OS and the devices that ran it: An Ars retrospective
Enviado por FabioBefore smartphones, we had PDAs in our pockets. Palm did them best. 25/04/24 | hace 210 días | arstechnica.com
El adiós al Z80 - Cesa su fabricación luego de 48 años - Tecnogeek
Enviado por Fabio¿Sabías que todavía se fabricaba el procesador Zilog Z80? Por lejos un icónico junto al MOS 6502, el Z80 es parte de la columna vertebral de los inicios de la 24/04/24 | hace 211 días | www.tecnogeek.com