Tag: procesador


How Does an FPGA Work?
Enviado por Fabio
Let’s start at the beginning. What is an FPGA? Well, FPGA stands for Field Programmable Gate Array, which isn’t helpful in understanding what they are or do but we had to get that out of the way.

04/05/23 | learn.sparkfun.com

iAPX432 : Gordon Moore, Risk and Intel’s Super-CISC failure
Enviado por Fabio
The legacy of Intel\'s over-ambitious 32-bit \'micromainframe\' failure.

04/04/23 | thechipletter.substack.com

The unusual bootstrap drivers inside the 8086 microprocessor chip
Enviado por Fabio
The 8086 microprocessor is one of the most important chips ever created; it started the x86 architecture that still dominates desktop and ...

16/11/22 | www.righto.com

The Texas Instruments TMX 1795: the (almost) first, forgotten microprocessor
Enviado por Fabio
The first 8-bit microprocessor, the TMX 1795 had the same architecture as the 8008 but was built months before the 8008. Never sold commerci...

21/09/22 | www.righto.com

Por qué los viejos windows de los 90s fallaban en máquinas rápidas?
Enviado por Fabio
Para nardos a la antigua, recuerdan que en algunas PCs con procesadores AMD fallaba Windows 95? no era culpa de AMD, era de Microsoft!

09/06/20 | www.os2museum.com

Viaje al interior de un procesador
Enviado por AlexH
Pentium III + microscopio = FTW!

18/03/15 | imgur.com

After years in the shadows, Intel commits to Atom as a top-flight processor
Enviado por Fabio
Luego de relegarlo Intel le pone pilas al Atom

20/07/13 | www.extremetech.com