Tag: palm

Palm OS and the devices that ran it: An Ars retrospective
Enviado por Fabio
Before smartphones, we had PDAs in our pockets. Palm did them best.

25/04/24 | hace 304 días | arstechnica.com

Recovered: Forgotten SEGA Exclusives on Palm OS ⌘I Get Info
Enviado por Fabio
As part of my ongoing efforts to uncover lost gems from Japan, I recovered two exclusive games made by SEGA in their brief flirtation with Palm OS back in 20...

31/10/22 | hace 846 días | blog.gingerbeardman.com

El triste fin de Palm: fagocitada por HP
Enviado por Limadito Porlamenesunda
HP compra Palm por u$s 1.2 mil millones

30/04/10 | hace 5412 días | www.hp.com