Tag: modem


Why is 56k the fastest dialup modem speed? - 10stripe
Enviado por Fabio
f you've ever had dialup internet service, or still do, or just know someone that does, you have probably heard terms like "56k modem". "56k" has become almost synonymous with dialup Internet access....

25/11/23 | hace 455 días | www.10stripe.com

Dial Up Modem Sounds, from 300 bps to 56K
Enviado por Fabio
The sound of dial-up at some of the most common speeds, including 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 14,400, 33,600, and 56K. As noted in the video, the sound of a V.34 connection at either 28,800 and 33,600 will...

08/06/22 | hace 990 días | www.youtube.com

Social media in 1979? Yes!
Enviado por Fabio
A little Show & Tell of what was involved in going online in 1979 and doing a very early form of social media. The computer used is a TRS-80 Model II, the modem is a rebranded Novation CAT, and the...

07/06/22 | hace 991 días | www.youtube.com

La PC de Sega - New Info on the Pluto, the Origins of the Saturn Name, and More (!!!)
Enviado por Juan Pablo
The new online Japanese magazine Beep21 has come through again with amazing Sega history. They've just posted the first part of an interview with two hardware designers that worked at Sega in the...

31/05/22 | hace 998 días | www.sega-16.com

Emulador de Modem de 56K
Enviado por Iván Leonel Dawidowski
...o ´Sonidos que los usuarios de banda ancha nunca escucharon´

16/08/10 | hace 5304 días | lazylaces.com