Tag: hacking

Epic Games ha sido hackeada: han robado casi 200 GB de datos, contraseñas y hasta el código fuente
Enviado por FabioUn grupo de ransomware denominado Mogilevich ha hackeado a Epic Games y aseguran haber robado 189 GB de datos importantes. 29/02/24 | hace 396 días | elchapuzasinformatico.com

Polish Hackers Repaired Trains the Manufacturer Artificially Bricked. Now The Train Company Is Threatening Them
Enviado por FabioAfter breaking trains simply because an independent repair shop had worked on them, NEWAG is now demanding that trains fixed by hackers be removed from service. 14/12/23 | hace 473 días | www.404media.co
I Tested an HDMI Adapter That Demands Your Location, Browsing Data, Photos, and Spams You with Ads
Enviado por FabioThe cord is detected as a "computer" and tracks “favorite videos, videos watched, and bookmarks,” as well as “Location Data, Sensor Data, Tracking Cookies Data, and Installed Apps Data.” 30/09/23 | hace 548 días | www.404media.co

Researchers watched 100 hours of hackers hacking honeypot computers | TechCrunch
Enviado por FabioSecurity researchers set up a network of honeypots and observed hackers taking control of them and using them for different purposes. 10/08/23 | hace 599 días | techcrunch.com

Review: Beepy, A Palm-sized Linux Hacking Playground
Enviado por FabioIn the long ago times, when phones still flipped and modems sang proudly the songs of their people, I sent away for a set of Slackware CDs and embarked on a most remarkable journey. Back then, runn… 09/08/23 | hace 600 días | hackaday.com

Here’s how long it takes new BrutePrint attack to unlock 10 different smartphones
Enviado por FabioBrutePrint requires just $15 of equipment and a little amount of time with a phone. 27/05/23 | hace 674 días | arstechnica.com

Ahora pueden 'hackear' tu móvil con solo un sonido. El problema es que tú no lo vas a oír
Enviado por FabioUn estudio ha conseguido demostrar que los asistentes de Google, Apple, Amazon o Microsoft son capaces de recibir órdenes mediante ultrasonidos. Es algo que abre la puerta a todo tipo de ciberataques 30/03/23 | hace 732 días | www.elconfidencial.com

How I Broke Into a Bank Account With an AI-Generated Voice
Enviado por FabioBanks in the U.S. and Europe tout voice ID as a secure way to log into your account. I proved it\'s possible to trick such systems with free or cheap AI-generated voices. 25/02/23 | hace 765 días | www.vice.com

Here's How People Hacked Their Way Around The Paywall The Last Time BMW Made A Basic Feature A Subscription Service - The Autopian
Enviado por FabioThe last time BMW tried to make a fairly basic feature a subscription service, people found a way to bypass the paywall. Will this time be different? 15/07/22 | hace 990 días | www.theautopian.com

How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens
Enviado por FabioThe inside story of the world’s most notorious commercial spyware and the big tech companies waging war against it. 21/04/22 | hace 1075 días | www.newyorker.com

Cracking a $2 million crypto wallet
Enviado por FabioBreaking through crypto security. First, he forgot his PIN — then he started looking for hackers 25/01/22 | hace 1161 días | www.theverge.com

Don't copy-paste commands from webpages — you can get hacked
Enviado por FabioProgrammers, sysadmins, security researchers, and tech hobbyists copying-pasting commands from web pages into a console or terminal risk having their system compromised. Wizer's Gabriel Friedlander... 04/01/22 | hace 1182 días | www.bleepingcomputer.com