Tag: espionaje

Location tracking of phones is out of control. Here’s how to fight back.
Enviado por Fabio
Unique IDs assigned to Android and iOS devices threaten your privacy. Who knew?

25/10/24 | hace 121 días | arstechnica.com

Hvaldimir: Russian \'spy whale\' was shot, animal groups say
Enviado por Fabio
How did an otherwise healthy beluga whale called Hvaldemir – an alleged Russian spy whale who came in from the cold – die at the weekend?

05/09/24 | hace 170 días | www.bbc.com

Linksys Velop routers send Wi-Fi passwords in plaintext to US servers
Enviado por Fabio
According to Testaankoop, the Belgian equivalent of the Consumers' Association, two types of Linksys routers are sending Wi-Fi login details in plaintext

11/07/24 | hace 226 días | stackdiary.com

How the Pentagon Learned to Use Targeted Ads to Find Its Targets—and Vladimir Putin
Enviado por Fabio
Meet the guy who taught US intelligence agencies how to make the most of the ad tech ecosystem, \"the largest information-gathering enterprise ever conceived by man.\"

01/03/24 | hace 358 días | www.wired.com

Un elegido de Hitler al servicio del Mosad
Enviado por Fabio
La imagen es increíble: un ex teniente coronel de las Waffen SS asesina a un ingeniero alemán experto en cohetes en un bosque al norte de Munich al que le ha llevado,

06/12/23 | hace 444 días | www.lavanguardia.com

How the Concorde plans were secretly given to the Russians
Enviado por Fabio
A new TV programme reveals the identity of Agent Ace, who stole secrets of the supersonic aircraft, enabling Russia to build its own version

04/12/23 | hace 446 días | www.telegraph.co.uk

I Tested an HDMI Adapter That Demands Your Location, Browsing Data, Photos, and Spams You with Ads
Enviado por Fabio
The cord is detected as a "computer" and tracks “favorite videos, videos watched, and bookmarks,” as well as “Location Data, Sensor Data, Tracking Cookies Data, and Installed Apps Data.”

30/09/23 | hace 512 días | www.404media.co

Scientists Are Getting Eerily Good at Using WiFi to \'See\' People Through Walls in Detail
Enviado por Fabio
The signals from WiFi can be used to map a human body, according to a new paper.

18/01/23 | hace 766 días | www.vice.com

China y EEUU «espiándose» mutuamente desde la órbita marciana - Eureka
Enviado por seedhvb
Hasta ahora estábamos acostumbrados a ver las sondas de la NASA en la superficie de Marte gracias a la cámara HiRISE de la sonda MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Rover) y, antes […]

01/04/22 | hace 1058 días | danielmarin.naukas.com

Shijian 21: el misterioso remolcador geoestacionario chino - Eureka
Enviado por seedhvb
El 24 de octubre de 2021 a las 01:27 UTC despegaba desde el centro espacial de Xichang un cohete Larga Marcha CZ-3B/G2 (长征三号乙) con el satélite Shijian 21 (SJ-21 o […]

09/02/22 | hace 1109 días | danielmarin.naukas.com

Israel limita los países a los que venderá herramientas de espionaje de 102 a 37 países, claro, seguirán espiando a su gente...
Enviado por Fabio
The Israeli government has restricted the list of countries to which local security firms are allowed to sell surveillance and offensive hacking tools by almost two-thirds, cutting the official cyber...

26/11/21 | hace 1185 días | therecord.media

We Need To Talk About The Insecurity Industry
Enviado por Fabio
The greatest danger to national security has become the companies claiming to protect it

28/07/21 | hace 1305 días | edwardsnowden.substack.com