Tag: energy

Norway discovers Europe\'s largest deposit of rare earth metals
Enviado por Fabio
Alf Reistad, CEO of Rare Earths Norway, told CNBC that the discovery represents a \"great milestone\" for the company.

14/06/24 | hace 254 días | www.cnbc.com

Here's Why Hibernation in Space May Not Be Possible For Humans After All
Enviado por Fabio
Sending humans virtually anywhere in space beyond the Moon pushes logistics of health, food, and psychology to limits we're only just beginning to grasp.  

01/05/22 | hace 1028 días | www.sciencealert.com

Finally, a Fusion Reaction Has Generated More Energy Than Absorbed by The Fuel
Enviado por Fabio
A major milestone has been breached in the quest for fusion energy.

06/12/21 | hace 1175 días | www.sciencealert.com

The World Needs to Crack Battery Recycling, Fast
Enviado por Fabio
The shift to electric vehicles is exciting, but it will leave us with thousands of tonnes of spent batteries.

26/11/21 | hace 1185 días | www.wired.co.uk