Did you know a man bought all the spare B-2 windshields and used them in his daughter's tree house?
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Did you know a man bought all the spare B-2 Spirit windshields and used them in his daughter's tree house? The USAF had to buy them back to replace a damaged Spirit windshield.

15/01/24 | theaviationgeekclub.com

Alineamiento Luna, Catedral, Monaña
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Single shots like this require planning. The first step is to realize that such an amazing triple-alignment actually takes place. The second step is to find the best location to photograph it. But it...

12/01/24 | localhost

The Ocean’s Largest Shark Has a Little Something to Say
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An online video raised a strange question: Do whale sharks make sounds? And would it matter if they did?

12/01/24 | www.atlasobscura.com

A huge battery has replaced Hawaii's last coal plant
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Plus Power’s Kapolei battery is officially online. The pioneering project is a leading example of how to shift crucial grid functions from fossil-fueled plants to clean energy.

11/01/24 | www.canarymedia.com

El hedor de la mentira: ni Isabel la Católica olía mal ni los musulmanes eran más limpios
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El libro 'El olor de la Edad Media. Salud e higiene en la Europa Medieval' desmonta falsos mitos sobre esa época y demuestra que no fue un periodo oscuro, sucio y nauseabundo

11/01/24 | www.elconfidencial.com

David Bowie’s Final Ziggy Stardust Concert: The Full Story - Dig!
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Having become ‘completely bored’ with Ziggy Stardust, David Bowie performed his ‘last’ show to 5,000 shocked fans on 3 July 1973.

11/01/24 | www.thisisdig.com

Cómo dos científicos revolucionaron la industria cárnica con un corte de la vaca que nadie había pensado - LUDD
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Esta es la historia del nacimiento del Flat Iron, una pieza de vaca que impulsó como nunca a la industria cárnica. El secreto estaba en el corte.

11/01/24 | ludd.es

Liquid Tin Could Be The Key To Cheap, Plentiful Grid Storage
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Once expensive and difficult to implement, renewable energy solutions like wind and solar are now often the cheapest options available for generating electricity for the grid. However, there are st…

10/01/24 | hackaday.com

Los estilos de aprendizaje: un mito sin fundamento - XarxaTIC
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Es por lo anterior que, por mucho que escriba artículos como el que voy a escribir ahora, con mucha bibliografía consultada y con argumentos sólidos, basados

11/01/24 | xarxatic.com

What it was really like to be a medieval physician - Medievalists.net
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A look at the day-to-day problems of a medieval physician.

09/01/24 | www.medievalists.net

Stations and transfers
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Geniales mapas subterráneos en 3D de distintas estaciones de subterráneos (metro) del mundo

09/01/24 | stations.albertguillaumes.cat

YouTube demonetizes public domain 'Steamboat Willie' video after copyright claim
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A one-off mistake or a sign of copyright battles to come over Mickey Mouse?

09/01/24 | mashable.com