An open letter to Eric Schmidt :
Why we fear Google

Von Mathias Döpfner
Lesezeit: 14 Min.
Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer SE, explains to Eric Schmidt, why the fear of Google is qualified
Here for the first time, a German manager confesses his company’s total dependence on Google. What publishers are experiencing today is a sign of things to come: We will soon all belong to Google. An open letter to Eric Schmidt.

Dear Eric Schmidt,

In your text “Die Chancen des Wachstums” (English Version: “A Chance for Growth”) in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, you reply to an article which this newspaper had published a few days earlier under the title “Angst vor Google” (“Fear of Google”). You repeatedly mention the Axel Springer publishing house. In the spirit of transparency I would like to reply with an open letter to highlight a couple of things from our point of view.

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