Categoría: 22794

How the Concorde plans were secretly given to the Russians
Enviado por Fabio
A new TV programme reveals the identity of Agent Ace, who stole secrets of the supersonic aircraft, enabling Russia to build its own version

04/12/23 |

Así era el \"carrito USB de la muerte\" que freía equipos con BSOD cuando Microsoft trabajaba en Windows 98
Enviado por Ernesto
Hoy en día el soporte de dispositivos USB es algo trivial, pero a finales de los 90 tanto el estándar como la compatibilidad de esos dispositivos era un...

04/12/23 |

La historia del Duke of Lancaster, el barco olvidado durante décadas con un tesoro único a bordo: 50 recreativas arcade
Enviado por Ernesto
La del TSS Duke of Lancaster es una historia de barcos, cazadores de tesoros y cofres repletos de maravillas, aunque en este caso el cofre es el propio barco...

04/12/23 |

The Most Expensive Fabric on Earth Is Totally Illegal to Own
Enviado por Fabio
You can’t buy shahtoosh! You can’t sell it! You can’t even own it!

03/12/23 |

Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience
Enviado por Fabio
Traumatic memories had their own neural mechanism, brain scans showed, which may help explain their vivid and intrusive nature.

01/12/23 |

The Puritanical Eye: Hyper-mediation, Sex on Film, and the Disavowal of Desire
Enviado por Fabio
The disappearance of the sex scene in American cinema, the suppression of the body under the moral imperative of commodities in neoliberal capitalism, and Verhoeven as antagonizer.

01/12/23 |

Here’s How Artemis Astronauts Will Navigate on the Moon - Eos
Enviado por Fabio
The next wave of lunar explorers is headed to terrain that promises to be both stunning and challenging. Here’s how they’ll cope with some of the difficulties they’ll encounter.

01/12/23 |

Japan just found 7,000 islands it didn\'t know it had | CNN
Enviado por Fabio
Japan has recounted its islands – and discovered it has 7,000 more than it previously thought.

01/12/23 |

Cuánto pelo tenemos por genética
Enviado por Fabio
Obviamente las poblaciones se mueven y se mezclan, pero originariamente la gente peluda proviene casi toda del mismo lugar, una mutación genética para los peludos. Si sos de esos hombres mono, tus...

30/11/23 | localhost

Elon Musk Had a Normal Live Interview. Hahaha Just Kidding, He Told Advertisers to ‘Go Fuck’ Themselves.
Enviado por Fabio
The billionaire owner of X told advertisers to “go fuck themselves” during the New York Times’ DealBook Summit.

30/11/23 |

Millions of new materials discovered with deep learning
Enviado por Fabio
We share the discovery of 2.2 million new crystals – equivalent to nearly 800 years’ worth of knowledge. We introduce Graph Networks for Materials Exploration (GNoME), our new deep learning tool...

30/11/23 |

Hallado un raro sistema estelar de seis planetas que permanece intacto desde su formación
Enviado por Fabio
El astrofísico cordobés Rafael Luque ya capitaneó en 2019 el descubrimiento de otro potencialmente habitable

30/11/23 |