Categoría: 22794


The image in this post displays its own MD5 hash
Enviado por cypher
The image in this post displays its own MD5 hash. You can download and hash it yourself, and it should still match - 1337e2ef42b9bee8de06a4d223a51337 I think this is the first PNG/MD5 hashquine.

24/09/22 |

Japan to reopen to independent travelers and lift daily arrival cap, Kishida says
Enviado por Fabio
Luego dos años y medio el país, uno de los pocos con restricciones por COVID-19, abrirá las puertas al turismo, enfermos

23/09/22 |

Blob of hot gas swirls around Milky Way black hole
Enviado por Fabio
Astronomers further constrain the shape of the magnetic field of the Milky Way\'s supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*.

22/09/22 |

Ultra-close-up photos show the Sun like you’ve never seen it before
Enviado por Fabio
Scientists have shared the first images of the Sun's chromosphere, the area of the atmosphere directly above the Sun's surface.

22/09/22 |

El James Webb captura Neptuno como nunca lo habíamos visto antes
Enviado por Fabio
La NASA acaba de publicar una imagen de Neptuno como nunca antes lo habíamos visto. La fotografía muestra sus anillos etéreos y siete de sus 14 lunas

21/09/22 |

El túnel sumergido más grande del mundo ya está en marcha. Y se está construyendo sin tuneladoras
Enviado por Fabio
Puttgarden es un pequeña localidad de la isla alemana de Fehman. Allí hay un ferry que atraviesa el llamado (en alemán) Vogelfluglinie, los 18 km que la...

21/09/22 |

ISIS Executions and Non-Consensual Porn Are Powering AI Art
Enviado por Fabio
AI is progressing at an astonishing speed, but we still don’t have a good understanding of the datasets that power AI, and little accountability for whatever abusive images they contain.

21/09/22 |

Jupiter is at its closest to Earth in 59 years, NASA says
Enviado por Fabio
The solar system's largest planet will make its close approach at the same time it moves into opposition.

21/09/22 |

The Texas Instruments TMX 1795: the (almost) first, forgotten microprocessor
Enviado por Fabio
The first 8-bit microprocessor, the TMX 1795 had the same architecture as the 8008 but was built months before the 8008. Never sold commerci...

21/09/22 |

Upcyling a 40-year-old Tandy Model 100 Portable Computer
Enviado por Fabio
It’s easy once you figure out how to talk to its weird display

21/09/22 |

Palette - Colorize Photos
Enviado por Fabio
Este excelente coloreador de imágenes B/N es MUY bueno usando IA, estuve probándolo y el resultado es muy superior al filtro colorizador de Photoshop por ejemplo

20/09/22 |

Dawn of Victory con Fabio Lione
Enviado por oktubre80
This is our cover of the song Dawn Of Victory, originally by the band Rhapsody, featuring Rhapsody's singer Fabio Lione.

20/09/22 |