Categoría: 22794


From Halo to The Simpsons, would fictional mad scientists pass ethical review?
Enviado por Fabio
Members of research oversight committees put some of pop culture’s most infamous innovators under the microscope

22/01/23 |

Japan was the future but it\'s stuck in the past
Enviado por Danbat
En los 80s Japón iba camino a ser dueño del mundo, pero su economía se estancó y no ha crecido en 30 años. Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, corresponsal de la BBC, cuenta por qué.

22/01/23 |

History Says That Female Leaders Are More Likely To Wage War Than Men
Enviado por Fabio
War is a man’s game, right? Destruction, competition, extreme brutality — all these elements supposedly appeal to a man’s inner psyche, as masculine men…

20/01/23 |

No Start Menu for You
Enviado por Fabio
I tend to launch most programs on my Windows 10 laptop by typing the key, then a few letters of the program name, and then hitting enter. On my powerful laptop (SSD and 32 GB of RAM) th…

20/01/23 |

The Lisa: Apple's Most Influential Failure - CHM
Enviado por Acerbus
Liberan el código fuente del sistema operativo y aplicaciones de la Apple Lisa. CHM publicly releases the source code to Apple's Lisa computer, including its system and applications software.

19/01/23 |

Google reportedly working on 'Grogu' tracker to compete with Apple’s AirTags
Enviado por Fabio
According to new research, Google is working on a new Bluetooth tracker device to compete with Apple’s AirTags.

19/01/23 |

Photos of Palermo at the Height of the 1980s Mafia Wars
Enviado por Fabio
Photographer Fabio Sgroi captured one of the darkest eras in Palermo’s history.

19/01/23 |

Temperatures on Greenland haven\'t been this warm in at least 1,000 years, scientists report | CNN
Enviado por Fabio
After years of research on the Greenland ice sheet -- which CNN visited when the cores were drilled -- scientists have reported temperatures there have been the warmest in at least the past 1,000...

19/01/23 |

Battles of the Sexes: Duels between Women and Men in 1400s *Fechtbücher*
Enviado por Fabio
These manuscript illustrations from the 1400s raise a historically vexing question: did men and women really duel to settle judicial disputes?

19/01/23 |

Examples of floating point problems
Enviado por Fabio
Examples of floating point problems

19/01/23 |

Wikipedia Has Spent Years on a Barely Noticeable Redesign
Enviado por Fabio
The Wikipedia editors are waiting to hear you scream about it.

18/01/23 |

Scientists Are Getting Eerily Good at Using WiFi to \'See\' People Through Walls in Detail
Enviado por Fabio
The signals from WiFi can be used to map a human body, according to a new paper.

18/01/23 |