Categoría: 20504

3,200-Year-Old Egyptian Tablet Shows Work Attendance and the Absentee Excuses Are…Very Interesting
Enviado por Fabio
This ancient attendance record includes some of excuses for being absent from work that we definitely don't have today.

29/03/24 |

Eagle Who Thought Rock Was an Egg Finally Gets to Be a Dad
Enviado por Fabio
A lucky coincidence has given Murphy the opportunity to nurture an eaglet of his own

29/03/24 |

F-117 Aggressors Photographed Low Over The Nevada Desert During Red Flag War Games
Enviado por Fabio
The officially retired F-117 Nighthawks are busier than ever playing the role of stealthy bad guys.

29/03/24 |

El complejo termal monumental de la ciudad romana de Valeria
Enviado por Fabio
Viaja al pasado y descubre el esplendor de las termas romanas de Valeria. Mármoles, mosaicos y secretos sepultados durante siglos, ahora revelados por la arqueología.

29/03/24 |

\'El jovencito Frankenstein\', la cura perfecta contra la aflicción
Enviado por Fabio
Análisis, crítica y comentarios de \'El jovencito Frankenstein\', la famosa parodia dirigida por Mel Brooks en 1974 y protagonizada por Gene Wilder, Teri Garr,...

29/03/24 |

Researchers Find First Experimental Evidence for a Graviton-like Particle in a Quantum Material
Enviado por Fabio
The results, continuing the legacy of late Columbia professor Aron Pinczuk, are a step toward a better understanding of gravity.

29/03/24 |

CVC. Rinconete. Arte. Roma no paga a traidores!, por Marta Poza Yage.
Enviado por Fabio
«¡Roma no paga a traidores!» es una conocida expresión que advierte cómo la deslealtad no es recompensada ni por aquellos que la fomentan. Pero, ¿cuál es su origen? Como sucede con otras...

29/03/24 |

Los 15.399 barcos hundidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en un mapa interactivo
Enviado por Ernesto
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) se hundieron ni más ni menos que 15.399 barcos, que totalizaban 43.658.518 toneladas y produjeron 567.518 víctimas. En el mapa Sunken Ships of the...

28/03/24 |

Google\'s First Tensor Processing Unit - Architecture
Enviado por Fabio
Looking in more detail at Google\'s first Tensor Processing Unit

27/03/24 |

Friends don't let friends export to CSV
Enviado por Fabio
I worked for a few years in the intersection between data science and software engineering. On the whole, it was a really enjoyable time and I'd like to have the chance to do so again at some point....

27/03/24 |

Two nights of broken sleep can make people feel years older, finds study
Enviado por Fabio
Beyond simply feeling decrepit, perception of being older can affect health by encouraging unhealthy eating and reducing exercise

27/03/24 |

Vinyl records outsell CDs for the second year running
Enviado por Fabio
People bought 43 million vinyl records last year, according to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). That’s 6 million more than the number of CDs sold in 2023, marking the second...

27/03/24 |