Tag: procesador


El adiós al Z80 - Cesa su fabricación luego de 48 años - Tecnogeek
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¿Sabías que todavía se fabricaba el procesador Zilog Z80? Por lejos un icónico junto al MOS 6502, el Z80 es parte de la columna vertebral de los inicios de la

24/04/24 | www.tecnogeek.com

Engineer creates CPU from scratch in two weeks — begins work on GPUs
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The finished design is heading for TinyTapeout 6

11/04/24 | www.tomshardware.com

Google\'s First Tensor Processing Unit - Architecture
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Looking in more detail at Google\'s first Tensor Processing Unit

27/03/24 | thechipletter.substack.com

Tras 7 años de desarrollo, una startup anuncia una CPU que consume 100 veces menos que las actuales
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Efficient Computer acaba de presentar la arquitectura Fabric, disponible en su procesador Monza. El rendimiento de una CPU actual, pero con 100 veces menos consumo.

11/03/24 | computerhoy.com

Reverse engineering a forgotten 1970s Intel dual core beast: 8271, a new ISA
Enviado por Fabio
Around 1977, Intel released a floppy disc controller (FDC) chip called the 8271. This controller isn\'t particularly well known. It was mainly used in business computers and storage solutions, but its...

16/02/24 | scarybeastsecurity.blogspot.com

The Itanic Saga
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The History of VLIW and Itanium

26/01/24 | www.abortretry.fail

China’s New(ish) SW26010-Pro Supercomputer at SC23
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Computing power has emerged as a crucial national resource. Ever since the first general purpose computer, ENIAC, was used to calculate artillery and bomb ballistics, compute applications have expl…

25/11/23 | chipsandcheese.com

What has changed in CPU cores in M3 chips?
Enviado por Fabio
Little seems to have changed in CPU cores in M3 chips, if you read reviews. Dig a bit deeper and there are major changes, as explained here.

24/11/23 | eclecticlight.co

Intel vs NEC : The Case of the V20\'s Microcode
Enviado por Fabio
A court case over microprocessors with far reaching implications

12/11/23 | thechipletter.substack.com

How flip-flops are implemented in the Intel 8086 processor
Enviado por Fabio
A key concept for a processor is the management of "state", information that persists over time. Much of a computer is built from logic gate...

26/10/23 | www.righto.com

Intel’s Ponte Vecchio: Chiplets Gone Crazy
Enviado por Fabio
Intel is a newcomer to the world of discrete graphics cards, and the company’s Xe architecture is driving its effort to establish itself alongside AMD and Nvidia. We’ve seen Xe variants…

26/09/23 | chipsandcheese.com

SPARCs in Space: The Cobham UT700 Leon3FT Processor
Enviado por Fabio
In the 1990s the ESA began a project to develop their own, open source, easily usable processor for space applications. Before this the ESA had used mainly MIL-STD-1750A processors

19/09/23 | www.cpushack.com