Categoría: tecnologia

Virtual Boy: The bizarre rise and quick fall of Nintendo’s enigmatic red console
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How Nintendo took a gamble on a new kind of gaming experience in the \'90s.

17/05/24 |

Obsolete, but not gone: The people who won\'t give up floppy disks
Enviado por Fabio
They may have barely enough capacity to store a modern smart phone picture, but some people still love using this technology from the 1980s.

13/05/24 |

OpenAI impacta con GPT-4o, chat, voz, vista, todo en uno
Enviado por Fabio
Este lunes OpenAI presentó GPT-4o, la “o” es de “omni”, el nuevo modelo publicado que promete ser mucho más rápido que el anterior, GTP-4 Turbo, pero ahí no es donde terminan sus...

13/05/24 |

1950s Sci-Fi Style Computers, Powered by a Z80, Built in Holland
Enviado por Fabio
Between 1980 and 1983, a little company in The Netherlands built the “Holborn” series of computers… which can best be described as “1950s sci-fi… powered by a Z80”.

10/05/24 |

OpenAI considers allowing users to create AI-generated pornography
Enviado por Fabio
Critics say ChatGPT creator’s proposal to allow erotica, slurs and other adult content undermines its mission statement

10/05/24 |

Applastado: El anuncio mal recibido del Apple iPad Air
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Pocas veces un anuncio comercial sale bien, recibe premios y hasta logra su objetivo: vender más del producto anunciado o lograr reconocimiento de una marca.

09/05/24 |

With PowerPC, Windows CE and the WiiN-PAD slate, everyone\'s a WiiN-er (except Data General)
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Telemedicine (and mobile health generally) accumulated a hunk of public mindshare during the pandemic emergency, but speaking as someone with a day job in public health for almost two decades, it\'s...

07/05/24 |

AM radio law opposed by tech and auto industries is close to passing
Enviado por Fabio
A recent test of the emergency alert system found only 1 percent got it via AM.

02/05/24 |

USB-C para todos, lo quieran o no: España aprueba la obligatoriedad del puerto para 2025
Enviado por Fabio
Era un secreto a voces, una buena parte de fabricantes lo cumplía y la Unión Europea ya había otorgado al USB C la categoría de «puerto estándar»: sólo...

02/05/24 |

A coal billionaire is building the world’s biggest clean energy plant and it’s five times the size of Paris | CNN Business
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The scale of the project transforming swathes of barren salt desert on the edge of western India into one of the most important sources of clean energy anywhere on the planet is so overwhelming that...

30/04/24 |

Palm OS and the devices that ran it: An Ars retrospective
Enviado por Fabio
Before smartphones, we had PDAs in our pockets. Palm did them best.

25/04/24 |

El adiós al Z80 - Cesa su fabricación luego de 48 años - Tecnogeek
Enviado por Fabio
¿Sabías que todavía se fabricaba el procesador Zilog Z80? Por lejos un icónico junto al MOS 6502, el Z80 es parte de la columna vertebral de los inicios de la

24/04/24 |